Thriller F.E. – Federation of Europe or F*** Europe: it is a matter of opinion! Amsterdam. The European summit has convened, and the German Federal Chancellor is staying in the safest suite in the best-guarded hotel in town. Yet in the morning he is found dead and murdered, the bloody letters F.E! gouged into his belly. A barrage of questions, media coverage and police activity is unleased by this painful – and embarrassingly ill-timed assassination. The German and Dutch authorities feverishly throw themselves into solving the affair while they work at cross purposes, and an unprecedentedly well-planned conspiracy unfolds that has been intricately constructed over years. In an entirely unrelated case at the Yugoslavia Tribunal, the American prosecutor Jonas Goldhagen doggedly pursues an anonymous and sinister war criminal who leaves a unique 'signature' behind. When the two affairs mesh, the truth proves more heinous than anyone could have conceived. The thriller F.E! is the story of a successful assassination attempt and its political consequences for all of Europe. F.E! takes up where The Days of the Jackal leaves off. The pseudonym Robert Bakker masks a Dutch journalist, novelist and entrepreneur. Bakker (born 1949) worked as a freelancer for years, authored various novels, established his own publishing company and then dedicated himself to investigating the political boundaries of Europe, which led to his first thriller about a European conspiracy on a vast scale: F.E! 90,000 words /Trade Fiction
De AlphaBet-tweeling [fragment] - EMMAUS, USA - Tot ons achttiende jaar hebben we onder toezicht gestaan van de medische wereld. Dankzij onze twee hoofden - zo noemt de buitenwereld twee m...
Proloog - Zoals schrijvers altijd hetzelfde boek schrijven en vrouwen altijd dezelfde man trouwen, zo vermoorden echte mannen altijd dezelfde vrouw. Dromen bestaan ...
Pinksteren - 1. Met Pinksteren is het allemaal begonnen. De vijftigste dag is wat de Grieken Pentakoste noemen, 'Pinksteren'. Grieks is voor snobs maar als het plecht...
Castor in De Onderwereld - ‘Wat is DIT?’ vroeg het mannetje koel. ‘Ik ben Castor.’ ‘Hoe kom je hier?’ ‘Door de kruipruimte.’ ‘Door de kruipruimte?’ herhaalde het mannetje verbaasd. ‘V...
De Dood Wandelt Mee Thriller - In Nijmegen heerst een uitgelaten en ontspannen sfeer in aanloop naar de Vierdaagse. Zo is onder andere de burgemeester druk in de weer met haar nieuwe Va...
dinsdag 26 februari 2008
FE! [synopsis English]
Thriller F.E. – Federation of Europe or F*** Europe: it is a matter of opinion! Amsterdam. The European summit has convened, and the German Federal Chancellor is staying in the safest suite in the best-guarded hotel in town. Yet in the morning he is found dead and murdered, the bloody letters F.E! gouged into his belly. A barrage of questions, media coverage and police activity is unleased by this painful – and embarrassingly ill-timed assassination. The German and Dutch authorities feverishly throw themselves into solving the affair while they work at cross purposes, and an unprecedentedly well-planned conspiracy unfolds that has been intricately constructed over years. In an entirely unrelated case at the Yugoslavia Tribunal, the American prosecutor Jonas Goldhagen doggedly pursues an anonymous and sinister war criminal who leaves a unique 'signature' behind. When the two affairs mesh, the truth proves more heinous than anyone could have conceived. The thriller F.E! is the story of a successful assassination attempt and its political consequences for all of Europe. F.E! takes up where The Days of the Jackal leaves off. The pseudonym Robert Bakker masks a Dutch journalist, novelist and entrepreneur. Bakker (born 1949) worked as a freelancer for years, authored various novels, established his own publishing company and then dedicated himself to investigating the political boundaries of Europe, which led to his first thriller about a European conspiracy on a vast scale: F.E! 90,000 words /Trade Fiction
vrijdag 22 februari 2008
Dobbelkinderen [Two of a Kind] Synopsis
Een gezonde tweeling wordt geboren in het beschaafde Westen. Deze twee-eiige Tweeling is verwekt bij een Nederlandse moeder aan de vooravond van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, waarvoor zowel een Duits vader als een Joodse vader verantwoordelijk zijn. De moeder verlaat het duistere Europa en baart haar tweeling in de USA. Twee gezonde jongens, vrolijk en bereid het leven aan te gaan. Er is één maar: het is een Siamese tweeling. Ze delen één lichaam, met twee hoofden, twee gedachten, twee zielen.
De Tweeling vind zichzelf volstrekt normaal, maar de beschaafde wereld denkt daar anders over. Artsen en ethici staan klaar om in te grijpen. Dokter Salomo is altijd bereid een van de hoofden te amputeren. Maatschappij en kerk proberen de tweeling te scheiden. Is dit immers geschapen naar gods evenbeeld? De een ontplooit zich als wetenschapper, de tweede wordt verkoper van de betere occasions en samen overleven zij de maatschappij en haar vooroordelen. Totdat het tweesnijdende mes van de liefde zijn werk beter dreigt te doen dan Dokter Salomo ooit had gekund.
Two of a Kind
Healthy twins born in the civilized West. This twinsons is conceived by a Dutch mother on the eve of the Second World War, for which a German father and a Jewish father to be responsible. The mother escapes the dark Europe and gives birth to the twin in Emmaus, USA. Two healthy boys, cheerful and ready to go. There is but one: it is a Siamese twin. They share a body with two heads, two thoughts, two souls.
The Twins find themselves completely normal, but the civilized world thinks differently. Doctors and ethicists are ready to intervene. Dr Solomon is always one of the heads to amputate. Society and church to try to separate the twins. This is created in God image? One of the twins carries himself as a scientist, the second is seller of the better used cars, and together they survive the society and its prejudices. Until the two-edged knife of love is likely to work better than the scalpel of Doctor Solomon should ever had been possible.
De Tweeling vind zichzelf volstrekt normaal, maar de beschaafde wereld denkt daar anders over. Artsen en ethici staan klaar om in te grijpen. Dokter Salomo is altijd bereid een van de hoofden te amputeren. Maatschappij en kerk proberen de tweeling te scheiden. Is dit immers geschapen naar gods evenbeeld? De een ontplooit zich als wetenschapper, de tweede wordt verkoper van de betere occasions en samen overleven zij de maatschappij en haar vooroordelen. Totdat het tweesnijdende mes van de liefde zijn werk beter dreigt te doen dan Dokter Salomo ooit had gekund.
Two of a Kind
Healthy twins born in the civilized West. This twinsons is conceived by a Dutch mother on the eve of the Second World War, for which a German father and a Jewish father to be responsible. The mother escapes the dark Europe and gives birth to the twin in Emmaus, USA. Two healthy boys, cheerful and ready to go. There is but one: it is a Siamese twin. They share a body with two heads, two thoughts, two souls.
The Twins find themselves completely normal, but the civilized world thinks differently. Doctors and ethicists are ready to intervene. Dr Solomon is always one of the heads to amputate. Society and church to try to separate the twins. This is created in God image? One of the twins carries himself as a scientist, the second is seller of the better used cars, and together they survive the society and its prejudices. Until the two-edged knife of love is likely to work better than the scalpel of Doctor Solomon should ever had been possible.
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